Back to basics…

With exams almost done (for now), with the whirlwind of changes that have happened in my life in 2013 (leaving the UK, a “small” adventure around Asia, living back in South Africa after being abroad for almost 5 years, finding love AGAIN with my best friend – not going to lie this is the best change, moving back in with the boyfriend and unpacking my belongings from storage which turn out to be OUR things from when we lived together previously – great memories….

Anyway the point is, so much has happened and one thing I realized from travelling, I really enjoy putting pen to paper…or I should say fingers to keyboard and blogging.  I do something silly or experience something in day to day life and I often think “that would have been a good, maybe great blog”.  So I’m changing the name of my blog…it’s no longer “Michelle’s South East Asia Adventure” it’s more of a “Life as it happens…”…So I hope you will join me for my next adventure.

And to begin with I will I will start with a few things I thought would be fun and interesting to know about ME and where I am going 😉

What I love most about being back home:

I want to say THE BOYFRIEND but I don’t want my family to feel second best haha so I will say reconnecting with family, friends and the one I love.  My heart was sad for ages in the UK because I really was missing so many people and now when I think about where I am at this moment my heart wants to burst with so much happiness!!!!

What I’m doing now that I am back home:

Studying….studying… oh and did I mention studying.  I am currently completing the last year of my Bachelor of Commerce degree.  Yes I am almost 32 and still studying.  Ok so I didn’t do things the “correct” way… high school, university, good job, travel…. But who said that’s the correct way.  The most important thing is that I am finishing what I started and I can’t wait to hold that piece of paper in my hand!

What I’m doing when I am not studying:

Well I study A LOT but one of my most fav things to do is…. Cooking 😉  Yip deep down I’m an old fashioned cooking and baking kind of women.  But I’m a healthy cooker.  None of these packets of sauces, jars of pre-mixes kind of thing.  It’s all from scratch and healthy.  So maybe this blog will turn into a recipe blog 😉  My latest little addiction is my slow cooker…why do people not use more of the slow cooker???  Stay tuned for “Michelle’s favourite recipes” haha

What is to follow:

Oh where to start…when I look forward into my future I see so many amazing things, if you read my blogs from the beginning of my travels, I mentioned this feeling I got of being so happy that I kept getting all teary eyed, at first I didn’t know what or why happiness was making me almost cry but it’s just an overwhelming feeling of being so content and happy with where you are and for me I express it in teary eyes…and when I see my future and the things that I know will happen and which I look forward to, my heart starts to expand and the eyes become teary…that’s how happy I am.

But to start off…..I can’t wait for “the rest of my life” to start with THE BOYFRIEND and I do mean marriage.  I know that starting a life together doesn’t mean you have to get married and we are living together again but I want to marry him.  I want to be his wife.  I want to add his surname onto the end of my name.  I want that commitment.  I’m not saying everybody has to get married, different strokes for different folks.  Anyway I am sure he is on the hunt for the ring 😉 I sure have given enough hints for him to be slightly annoyed with me.  I guess I should share a funny story…back in the day and I mean before the internet, when companies still put way too much advertising junk mail into your postbox, I remember always getting the pamphlets or brochures from the jewellery stores.  A few weeks ago I was telling my mom how annoying that we don’t get those anymore (bet nobody has ever said that before), how was I supposed to show my boyfriend the kind of ring I liked.  As I was saying this to my mom, I opened her YOU magazine and out fell a little booklet on rings…for me that was the perfect sign.  So one Friday night I secretly popped the booklet onto the lounge table, the boyfriend and I had settled down on the couch and I ever so subtly say “oh what’s this” picking up the booklet.  Ok not so subtle but I did have a good little giggle.

Another top of the list….well it’s a combination…finally completing my bloooooody degree, if I tell you that with the amount of time I have taken to complete my degree I could have studied to become a Dr I would not be lying 😉 ok slight exaggeration but still.  It’s been a long process and I will be so proud to hopefully hold that little piece of paper in 2014!!!  And the combined aspect of that is hopefully getting the job I want.  I’m totally changing the direction I want to go in as a career and I can’t wait!!!!

The biggest question I get asked… do I miss the travelling and being abroad:

The biggest YES.  But you know what I love more than travelling, Stewart, and it doesn’t really matter what we do, because we could be doing anything, and I would be happy that the person doing it next to me was him.

So 2014 is going to be a big year… I started to write MY year but I don’t think I’ve had bad past years.  Every year I grow as a person and I am happy with the direction my life is going.


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